Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Missing from language

Just imagine universe itself; the vibration, the energy and the frequency!
Counting there is a deeper philosophical truth in this if what is missing from language!


मैं चुनता कुछ बसेरा पर ठहर  जंगलात के पतरौल बन,
घर ही बन जाय  वहीं होंगे पुरखे भी ऊँचे डांडों को ताकते

  ©2018 Mohan Rana

कविता अपना जनम ख़ुद तय करती है / The poem Chooses Its Own Birth

Year ago I wrote an essay 'कविता अपना जनम ख़ुद तय करती है ' (The poem Chooses Its Own Birth) for an anthology of essays  "Liv...